Chú thích Chiến tranh Liên minh thứ Hai

  1. Christopher Duffy, Russia's military way to the West: origins and nature of Russian military power, 1700-1800, trang 208
  2. Sally Waller, France in revolution, 1776-1830, trang 73
  3. Christopher Duffy, Russia's military way to the West: origins and nature of Russian military power, 1700-1800, trang 209
  4. Christopher Duffy, Russia's military way to the West: origins and nature of Russian military power, 1700-1800, trang 215
  5. Christopher Duffy, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, trang 53.
  6. Christopher Duffy, Russia's military way to the West: origins and nature of Russian military power, 1700-1800, trang 217
  7. Christopher Duffy, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, trang 80
  8. 1 2 Christopher Duffy, Russia's military way to the West: origins and nature of Russian military power, 1700-1800, các trang 217-220.
  9. Christopher Duffy, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, các trang 113-114.
  10. Christopher Duffy, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, trang 135
  11. 1 2 Eagles Over The Alps: Suvorov In Italy And Switzerland, 1799 synopsis[liên kết hỏng]
  12. Christopher Duffy, Eagles over the Alps: Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland, 1799, trang 212
  13. Cartographica, Tập 25, Số phát hành 1-2, trang 151
  14. William Massey, A History of England: 1795-1801, các trang 341-342.